Introduction to Lab 4: Miscellaneous Image Functions
This seven part lab was designed to acquaint us students to various functions and processes that can be performed on aerial images. There were multiple objectives for
this lab, including: selecting and clipping an area of interest from a larger
satellite image, learning about optimization of spatial resolution, and
practice with linking a satellite image to Google Earth as ancillary
information. This lab also served as an introduction to binary change
detection, image mosaicking, common resampling methods, and various radiometric
enhancement techniques such as haze reduction.
Aerial images and data was
provided for us.
Part one of the lab was to create
a subset of the Eau Claire area from a larger satellite image using first the
Inquire Box method, and then by delineating using a shapefile (see Results Figure 1 under Results).
In part two, the spatial
resolution of an image was increased using image fusion pansharpening. An
aerial photo of Eau Claire and Chippewa counties from the year 2000 with a
resolution of 30 meters was pansharpened using a resolution merge with a 15
meter panchromatic image. I used a multiplicative method and a nearest neighbor
resampling technique.
In part three, I removed haze from
an aerial photo of Eau Claire using the Haze Reduction tool under radiometric
enhancement techniques in ERDAS Imagine.
In part four I opened Google Earth through ERDAS
Imagine and linked it to an aerial image of Eau Claire to use as ancillary
For part five, an aerial photo of
Eau Claire with a resolution of 30 meters was resampled to 15 meter resolution
by using the nearest neighbor method, and then again using bilinear interpolation.
Both of these methods were under “Resample Pixel Size” under the Spatial raster tool.
Part six focused on image
mosaicking. Two compatible rasters were brought into ERDAS Imagine (see Figure A below)
and mosaicked first through the use of the Mosaic Express function and then
through the use of Mosaic Pro. See Results Figure 3 to view the comparison.
Fig. A Two rasters in the process of being mosaicked with the Mosaic Express tool. |
part seven I created a difference image to highlight change that has occurred in
Eau Claire and four neighboring counties by comparing a 1991 image to a 2011
image using Two Image Functions and input operators interface under the Functions raster tool. I ascertained the
cutoff threshold points by adding the mean to the standard deviation value x
1.5. I drew these values onto the histogram, as you can see in figure B below.
Fig. B The histogram from part seven labelled with the cutoff threshold values. |
the equation ΔBVijk =
– BVijk(2)
+ c and Model Maker, I created a model to subtract the 1991 image from the 2011
image (figure C below).
Fig. C |
then created a second model to command Imagine to show all pixels with values
above the no change threshold value and mask out those that are below the no
change threshold value (figure D).
Fig. D |
I opened the output images that the models generated in
ArcMap and made a map of the changes that were detected (see Results Figure 3).
Results Fig. 1 The area of interest as a subset of the original image from part one. |
Results Fig. 2 Comparison of mosaics done by Mosaic Express and Mosiac Pro. |
Results Fig. 3
images are from Earth
Resources Observation and Science
Center, United
States Geological Survey.
Shapefile is from Mastering ArcGIS 6th edition Dataset
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. (2016, April 16). Retrieved May 20, 2016, from
Shapefile is from Mastering ArcGIS 6th edition Dataset
by Maribeth Price, McGraw Hill. 2014.